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Fun Facts

Full Name
Alma Mater
Grad Year

Kan Stelar
November 19th
5 foot 7 inches
Belmont University
Phoenix, AZ

Since then, Kan has received her Bachelor's of Fine Arts in Theater Production with an emphasis in Costume Design, working professionally as a costume technician for multiple Nashville theaters, and as a body painter / SFXMUA for the Nashville music industry, throughout college and sometime after. Using this costume technology knowledge, Kan has gone on to win multiple cosplay awards, as well as placed two consecutive years at the Smite Cosplay Championships.


Kan is a cosplay crafter and model born and bred in the US South, hailing from Nashville, TN.  A 90's baby, Kan grew up surrounded by the golden age of Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon cartoons, as well as being introduced to comics and video games by her family members. Kan attended her first convention, Middle Tennessee Anime Con, in 2011, dressed as Death the Kidd from Soul Eater. Falling in love with the art of Cosplay, Kan joined various Nashville cosplay communities -- and even met her current partner at a Homestuck meetup at Nashville Anime Day in 2012.

Kan's first cosplay in 2011.

Now a full time professional cosplayer, she she has the freedom to travel all over the USA to large-scale Conventions, showcasing her professionally made costumes and adult modelling. In her current residence, Kan makes a living with Cosplay & Geek Media content creation as her career by selling merch at car shows, sponsorship modeling, boothing local conventions, creating adult content, and sharing hobby costumes on her social media. On top of cosplay, Kan is also a gamer and twitch streamer (on hiatus), who plays a lot of League of Legends, Apex Legends, and Genshin Impact, multiple Blizzard titles, and many more.


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Additionally, Kan is her own one-woman show. She doesn't call herself the "Jackass of All Trades" for nothing! A self-taught graphic designer, Kan renders all her own merchandise designs and stream layouts, edits her own videos, and even making this very website you're reading (third-person writing is weird...) Her skillset reaches across the entire Adobe Suite, WIX builder, Paint tool SAI, Vectorworks, and more. Kan also often designs merchandise and websites for her coworkers, and co-owns FeedDawgz with M4STIFF. In the few places she hasn't designed or drawn something, credit has been explicitly given!


Kan receiving her Bachelor's in Costume Design in December 2019.


Her mother vividly remembers her bald head picking up a pencil and drawing an eerily recognizable Bullwinkle at less than a year old. In that moment, her family knew that Kan was destined to become an artist. 

Her first video game was the Fantastic Four Cinematic game for the PC, played on her uncle's computer. From there, her obsession for the superhuman sparked; Video games would become a staple of her early life. She had the Sims 2 game on the family computer (back when "computer rooms" were still a thing), and when she couldn't afford expansion packs, taught herself how to make her own custom content -- learning the basics of skin meshing, where her formation of her UI design skills and knowledge started to flourish, at only 8 years old.

In her youth she grew a deep appreciation for Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, and a strong relationship with fiction began to form. After the birth of these bonds, she would doodle her favorite characters all over her school work, getting in a lot of trouble with her teachers; regardless of good grades.

After puberty, Kan started to become an outcast for favoring anime, cartoons, and foreign music over the standard hobbies her peers were enjoying. Bullied and ostracized, these relationships with the fictional world were what kept her creative spirit alive, and nothing was to stop her from making art.

One of these characters Kan had an exceptionally strong relationship to was Hatsune Miku, who she found scouring YouTube in 2008. Down the rabbit hole she went, and there discovered the art of cosplay. Suddenly, these relationships with the fictional characters Kan loved could become tangible. She started to become a regular on online forums for discussing fiction, sites like deviantArt, coscom, and tumblr. There, Kan started learning the basics of graphic design, clothes patterning, and web coding.

All of this came to form the person Kan is today -- a Do-It-Yourselfer, capable of learning any skill thrown her way. From sewing to prop making, to coding, even music editing, any artistic skill is no feat Kan can't handle. 


Please enjoy these photos of Kan's earliest cosplays, dating back all the way to 2011. If you look hard enough, you may catch a glimpse at the early stages of her and itsBeboppu's companionship.

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